Scabies is a skin disease caused by infestation and sensitization to Sarcoptes scabiei hominis and product variants. Some synonyms of this disease are: Scabies, The Itch, Gudig,Itching Agogo.
Transmission mode
Scabies disease can be transmitted through direct contact or indirect contact.Scabies is transmitted by fleas that have been fertilized females, through close physical contact in the transmission through clothing, bedding, towels, after which the female louse will dig holes into the tunnel in the epidermis and stratum corneum membentu. Two days after fertilization, the female scabies begin the eggs are then developed through the larval stage, and possibly befallen become adult fleas within 10-14 days.
Old female louse lives about 30 days, then ticks off the end of the tunnel. Tunnels are more numerous in areas of thin-skinned and does not contain many follicles pilosebasea.
The disease is highly contagious, so if one family member affected, then usually another family member will come infected as well.
This disease is very closely related to personal hygiene and the environment. If the level of awareness possessed by many among the community is still quite low, the degree of involvement in serving the needs of the population who still lack health care, lack of health monitoring by the government, environmental factors terutama problem of providing clean water, and the failure of the implementation of health programs that are still frequently encountered, will increase the length of the environmental health problems that already exist.
Predisposing factors
Environmental cleanliness is very important in the transmission of this disease.Scabies is generally found on low-income communities (low income Communities) are paying less attention to personal hygiene (personal hygiene). Contracted scabies can also squeeze in those who live like refugees, members of the army in time of war, dormitories, nursing, school, etc..
Transmission mode
Scabies disease can be transmitted through direct contact or indirect contact.Scabies is transmitted by fleas that have been fertilized females, through close physical contact in the transmission through clothing, bedding, towels, after which the female louse will dig holes into the tunnel in the epidermis and stratum corneum membentu. Two days after fertilization, the female scabies begin the eggs are then developed through the larval stage, and possibly befallen become adult fleas within 10-14 days.
Old female louse lives about 30 days, then ticks off the end of the tunnel. Tunnels are more numerous in areas of thin-skinned and does not contain many follicles pilosebasea.
The disease is highly contagious, so if one family member affected, then usually another family member will come infected as well.
This disease is very closely related to personal hygiene and the environment. If the level of awareness possessed by many among the community is still quite low, the degree of involvement in serving the needs of the population who still lack health care, lack of health monitoring by the government, environmental factors terutama problem of providing clean water, and the failure of the implementation of health programs that are still frequently encountered, will increase the length of the environmental health problems that already exist.
Predisposing factors
Environmental cleanliness is very important in the transmission of this disease.Scabies is generally found on low-income communities (low income Communities) are paying less attention to personal hygiene (personal hygiene). Contracted scabies can also squeeze in those who live like refugees, members of the army in time of war, dormitories, nursing, school, etc..
Clinical symptoms
There are four cardinal signs of scabies:
1. Nokturna pruritus, itching at night means that mite activity is caused by higher temperatures are more humid and hot.
2. These diseases attack humans in groups, for example in a family usually all the family members infected. Similarly, in a densely populated village, most of the adjacent neighbors would be attacked by these mites. Known hiposensitisasi circumstances, the whole family is affected, although experiencing mite infestation, but gave no symptoms. This patient is a carrier (carrier).
3. The existence of the tunnel (kunikulus) at places predileksi a white or grayish, the form of straight or curved lines, the average length of 1 cm, at the end of the tunnel was discovered papule or vesicle. If secondary infections arising from skin rashes to polymorphs (pustule, excoriation and others). Predileksinya place is usually a place with a thin stratum corneum, ie the sidelines of the fingers, the volar wrist, elbow the outside, fold the front of the armpit, areola mammae (in women), umbilicus, buttocks, external genitalia (male) and abdominal below. In infants can attack palms and soles of the feet.
4. Finding mites, are the most diagnostic. Can be found in one or more life stages of this mite.
Diagnosis can be made to find two of these four cardinal signs.
Classification of scabies
There are several forms of scabies apitik rare and hard to know, so that it can lead to diagnostic errors. Some forms include:
1. Scabies on The Net
There on the level of cleanliness sufficient. Usually very hard to find tunnels. Ticks are usually lost due to bathe regularly. This form is characterized by lesions in the form of papule and tunnels are few in number, so it is hard to find.
2. Scabies incognito
Topical or systemic steroids may disguise the symptoms and signs of scabies, while the infestation persists. Instead of treatment with topical steroids can also lead to long lesions grow great. This is caused probably by the decrease in cellular imum response.
3. Nodular scabies
In this form, reddish brown lesions form a agtal nodes. Nodes are usually located in enclosed areas, especially in the male genitalia, inguinal and axillary. This arose as a reaction node hipersensetivitas against scabies mites. At the age of nodes more than one month mites are rarely found. Nodes may persist for several months to a year although it has been given anti-scabies treatment and corticosteroids.
4. Scabies are transmitted through animal
In America, the main source of scabies is a dog. This disorder is different from human scabies that there are no tunnels, no attack between your fingers and external genitalia. Lesions are usually found in areas where people often contact / hug pet namely the thighs, abdomen, chest and arms. The incubation period was shorter and easier transmission. This disorder is temporary (4-8 weeks) and can heal itself due to Sarcoptes scabiei in animals can not continue its life cycle in humans.
5. Norwegian scabies
Norwegian scabies or scabies krustosa characterized by extensive lesions with crusting, and hyperkeratosis is squama generalized thick. Place predileksi usually hairy scalp, ears, buttocks, elbows, knees, palms and feet that can be accompanied by nail dystrophy.
Unlike ordinary scabies, itch, Norwegian scabies in patients with non-obtrusive but the shape is very contagious because the number of mites that menginfestasi very many (thousands). Norwegian scabies caused by deficiency imunologic so the body's immune system fails to limit the proliferation of mites can breed easily.
6. Scabies in infants and children
Scabies lesions in children may be related to the entire body, including the entire head, neck, palms, soles of the feet and there is often a secondary infection such as impetigo, ektima so rarely found in the tunnel. In infants, lesions on the face.
7. Scabies was lying in bed (bed ridden).
Patients with chronic disease and older people were forced to stay in bed may be suffering from scabies which lesinya limited.
8. Scabies, accompanied by other sexually transmitted diseases
Scabies is often found with other sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea, syphilis, pedikulosis pubis, genital herpes and others.
If scabies is not treated for several weeks or months, can arise dermatitis due to scratching. Eruption can be shaped impetigo, ektima, sellulitis, limfangitis, and furuncle. Bacterial infections in infants and small children who were attacked scabies can cause complications in the kidneys. Irritant dermatitis can occur because of the use of anti-scabies preparations excessive, either at the beginning of therapy or the use of too often.
Prevention of scabies can be done in various ways:
• Washing the net, some experts recommend even by boiling, towels, sheets and clothes people with scabies, and then leave them to dry.
• Avoiding the use of clothes, towels, bed sheets together.
• Treat all family members, or people who are infected to break the chain of transmission.
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