Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Genital Warts - OMG,speechless

§ Description 
Sex warts, also known as Genital Warts or Condiloma acuminata, are one type of sexually transmitted diseases are most common. As the name suggests, genital warts affect the moist tissue in the genital area. Sex looks ketch or warts look like cauliflower. Although very small, Genital wartsdapat breed in large groups.

In women, genital warts can grow on the vulva, vaginal wall, the area between the external genitals and anus, and cervix. In men, genital warts can occur on the tip or shaft of the penis, scrotum or anus. Genital warts can also develop in the mouth or throat of someone who might perform oral sex with an infected person.


Condyloma akuminata disaerah which often appears moist, usually on the penis, vulva, vaginal walls and walls of the cervix and can spread to
the perianal area
Smells rotten
§ Warts / warts provides an illustration of a pink, flat, cauliflower picture
§ In the men can attack the penis, urethra and rectal areas. Infection can be dormant or can not be detected, because some lesions hidden in hair follicles or in the inner circle who are not circumcised penis.
§ At the women attack condiloma akuminata humid areas of the labia minora and vagina. Most lesions occur without symptoms. In most cases usually occur after coitus bleeding, itching or vaginal discharge
§ The size of each wart usually 1-2 mm, but if you gather up to 10 diameter, 2 cm and stemmed. And usually there is very little to no attention. Sometimes it occurs more than one area.
§ In rare cases, bleeding and urinary tract obstruction if the virus reaches the urethra tract
§ Having a history of active sexual life with multiple partners

Often, genital warts have no symptoms. This is due to the wart grows very small and flat so it can not be seen with the naked eye.

Genital warts or condyloma caused by infection in the epidermis by the Human papilloma virus type-specific in most lesions caused by HPV 6 and 11 were found, but sometimes 16 or other types of HPV also found a relationship between genital warts with skin warts usually has been discussed previously but there was no clinical or virological evidence of a relationship between them but nevertheless a small number of patients with common skin warts also experienced the same warts on the genital HIV autoinokulasi with 1.2 or 4 seems to be the most likely explanation, because the species - species have been identified warts on some material.


Pregnancy and condyloma acuminata / HPV
Women exposed to HPV during pregnancy have a concern that this virus will harm their baby. In most cases of HPV does not affect fetal development.
Effect of condyloma during pregnancy
If a woman is exposed to condyloma during pregnancy, condyloma will quickly grow, possibly due to excessive vaginal discharge that makes a good environment for viruses, change or decline in the immune horminal.
Effect of condyloma acuminata / HPV to infants
HPV does not affect pregnancy and infant health directly. The risk of transmission of this virus to babies is very low.
If the baby is exposed to the virus during pregnancy or while giving birth then this transmission can lead to the development of the wart / warts on cords vocalist and occasionally on other areas in the infantry or the children. This condition is called recurrent respiratory papillomatous (RRP), this sangaat dangerous, but that in very rare.

Because viruses are subclinical HPV infection is latent and, hence there is no specific therapy against this virus, treatment is directed at cleaning warts - warts that look and not the destruction of the virus. Inspection is a lesion that appears before sangant cervical cancer is important for patients who have lesions Wanit clinical or contact history. Personal Attention must be emphasized because the humidity support the growth of warts
1. podophylin
Podophylin is a resin extracted from plants containing several cytotoxic compounds that ratio can not be changed. Podophylin the most active are podophylotoksin. This type may consist of various concentrations of 10-25% with compound benzoin tinoture, spirit and paraffin cair.yang podofilin tincture used is 25%, the surrounding skin is protected with petroleum jelly or paste form to avoid irritation after 4-6 hours of washing. If no healing can be repeated after three days, each time giving no more than 0.3 cc because it will be absorbed and is toxic. Toxic symptoms are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain disorders breathing equipment and the skin cold sweat. In pregnant women should not be given because of fetal death can occur. Response to this type of treatment varied, some patients require several sessions perawaan to achieve clinical cure, whereas patients - other patients showed little response and other types of treatments should dipertimbangkan.

2. podofilytocin
This is an active ingredient podophylin resin and available as much as 0.5% in solution eatnol.This is an anti mitotis agent and is not recommended for use during kehamiolan or menysui, this species is more secure than self apilkasi podophylin can be allowed in the case - a case an appropriate complaint.

3. Triklorasetik acid (TCA)
This alternative topical agent and is often used on warts with a concentration of 30-50% is applied each week and the provision must be very careful - my heart because it may cause deep ulcer. This material can be used in pregnancy. 

4. Topical 5-fluorouracil (5 FU)
Cream 5 Fu can be used especially for the treatment of urethral and vulvar vaginal warts, concentration 1-5% giving is done every day until the lesions disappeared and did not miksi during delivery. Local irritation buakn thing you can not.

5. Interferon
Although interferon has shown results for verucciformis menjanjinkan and anogenital HPV infection, the effectiveness of these materials in the treatment of genital warts is still questionable. Parentral and intra-lesional therapy terhadapa genital warts with natural interferon preparations and recombination has yielded response rates ranging from 870-80% in the report - a preliminary report. Has demonstrated that the combination of IFN with other ablative surgical procedures produce the recurrence rate (Relapse rate) and lower. Inerferon side effects of systemic treatment include flu-like panyakit and transient neutropenia 

Surgical treatment

1. Curette or Kauter (Elektrokauterisasi)
Curette or Kauter (Elektrokauterisasi) with the condition of local anesthetics can be used for the treatment of warts that resister to the treatment of topical scars scar appearance is one of the deficiencies of this method. 

2. Frozen Surgery (N2, N2O liquid) 

3. Laser
Karbodioksida effective laser is used to destroy a few warts - warts that are difficult. There are no concerns about the ineffectiveness of the carbon dioxide generated during the procedure is complete, leaving little scarring. 

4. Combination Therapy
Various combination therapies have been used against a stubborn genital warts, for example interferon combination with surgical procedures, combined with podophylin TCAA, surgery with podophylin. Someone must be very careful - careful when using this combination therapy because some of these treatments can cause very serious reactions

Keep away from freesex is one way of preventing, condom use may not be fully protected against genital warts because of its location - the location is not necessarily clear and known. Do not have a sex until you and your partner completed treatment if you are infected with HPV.

Source: from multiple reliable sources. 

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buy viagra online said...

e. Which would explain why so many people are ignorant about it.

Aldara said...

Condyloma (Genital Warts) ... Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during pregnancy and in patients with defective immune systems

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